Floor Inspection Report 1. Month Of Service * JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 2. Date Of Inspection * 3. Store # * 155 - No Frills, West Side 359, ON, Canada156 - No Frills, West Side 359, ON, Canada156 - No Frills, West Side 359, ON, Canada 4. Vendor Name * 5. Spring Strip & Wax Date * 6. Last Scrub & Recoat Date * 7. Department (Likert Scale) * 8. Department Comments 9. Non-Sales Area (Likert Scale) * 10. Non-Sales Area (including mezzanines) Comments 11. Detailing (Likert Scale) * 12. Detailing Comments 13. Where any services missed? * Yes No 14. How many services were missed? * 15. Were waste receptacles emptied? * Yes No 16. Were the windows completed? * Yes No 17. Were the vestibule doors wiped down? * Yes No 18. Is there adequate time allotted to complete the contractual obligations? * Yes No 19. Comments - Any “No” or "Poor" ratings require comments and actionplan from the contractor to solve the situation. 20. Store Manager Or Assistant Managers Name: * 21. Title (Store Manager or Assistant manager) * If you are human, leave this field blank. SUBMIT REPORT By submitting this form, you acknowledge and agree that you are in the presence of the Store Manager or Assistant Manager.