Exceptional Floor Cleaning
We bring you our experience cleaning floors in all types of buildings, either hard surfaces or carpets. Our well-trained floor cleaners can help prevent hazards that often accompany dirty floors – especially the removal of liquid, grime, and debris to prevent slip-and-fall incidents. We will keep your floors protected and consistently clean with our professional floor care regimen.


Commercial Floor Cleaning
Our comprehensive commercial floor service can help prevent hazards that often accompany dirty floors - especially the removal of liquid, grime, and debris to prevent slip-and-fall incidents. We will keep your floors protected and consistently clean with our professional floor care regimen.
The floor-cleaning team at S&I Cleaning LTD is experienced in caring for floors in a range of large and small businesses, institutions, and organizations. With guaranteed 100% customer satisfaction, we communicate with you before we start working to make sure that we always meet and exceed your expectations. Our experts will come to your facility and inspect your surfaces to better understand your needs.

Industrial Floor Care
Our team of floor cleaners will treat carpets as well as any hard surface in your commercial facility.
Before we clean your entire floor, we will test our products on a small area and then choose the cleaning methods based on our 20 years of expertise, always ensuring that we make the best decisions to restore the original luster to your particular flooring.
After removing the grime from your surfaces, we’ll choose and apply a finish, such as wax, to coat and protect your floors. These finishes guard against scratches and other types of damage, especially for flooring that experiences heavy use, like in hospitals or schools. After we finish revitalizing your commercial floor surfaces, we hope they will astonish you!
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